The small collaborative partnership, called „Promoting senior sports across borders” has identified the main topic of social inclusion and equal opportunities for seniors that will be promoted by the development of sport and physical activity programs for the older adults. The project also addresses the mobility of sport staff of partnering organisations, aiming to ensure
Promoting senior sports
across borders
Summary of project
knowledge transfer among the partnering organisations. The tools for knowledge transfer include transnational project meetings linked to study visits at successful senior sport events, creation of awareness-raising materials and the analysis of the needs and feedbacks of seniors. The creation of a professional network among the participating organisation has also high importance.
Under the coordination of the Hungarian Leisure Sport Association, all together five dedicated partners will work on the promotion of physical activity among the elderly across borders; three national umbrella organisations and two local sport clubs.
The project aims
To share good practices in the field of promotion of physical activity among the elderly (65+)
To build international partnership with respective organizations
To showcase “Senior Sport Festivals” to the partners and share experience about practical implementation
To create a “menu” of potential sport activities that can be attractive to senior citizens throughout the year
To support mobility of sport staff at the partnering organizations
To foster cooperation between national umbrella organizations and local sport associations
The partner organisations in this project are in good position to further develop their programmes, events and services aiming to raise the ratio of physically active seniors and by doing so, increase their level of independence, self-esteem and health and promote the participation in social activities and their overall social engagement.