Project partners

Hungarian Leisure Sport Association

The Hungarian Leisure Sport Association (HLSA) founded in 1989 is operating as public benefit organization in Budapest. Its main goal is to promote physical activity, to raise the population’s body culture to a higher level and to raise publicity of healthy lifestyle. The association organizes “Sport for All” events for all segments of the society.

As a national umbrella organization we have 30 member associations, more than 300 member clubs and further regional partners over Hungary supporting the efforts to make people active and healthy. The more than 30-year-old network reaches out to all Hungarian counties, the capital and 6 towns with county-right.

Beside our regular coordinational activities we organize leisure sport events such as Challenge Day, Family Sport Festival, Senior Sport Festival, World Walking Day etc. while we also support the Hungarian nordic walking community. Since 2015 we also manage the national coordination of the European Week of Sport

Our international activity is growing: we are an active member of TAFISA and we also take part in inspiring European grassroots sport programs.

Learn more about HLSA at:

Association Sport for All Serbia (ASfAS)

The Association Sport for All Serbia was founded in March 2005 but its programmatic tradition goes back to year 1952 when Partizan Yugoslavia – Association for Physical Education and Recreation was established. The association existed under this name until 1992 when all republic associations (Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian and Herzegovina, Montenegrin, Macedonian and Serbian) participated equally in its work.

The Association Sport for All Serbia currently has 68 sports organizations (regular, affiliated and assisting), some of which are national, territorial and local. They all operate within their determined budgets of cities and municipalities using programs coordinated by the Association Sport for All Serbia. A total of about 150 different organizations from the Sport for All system operate in the territory of the Republic of Serbia.

The Association Sport for All Serbia is organizing two festivals during the year, Winter Ski fest and Summer festival. Ski fest is activating more than 600 participants each year and during Summer festival that number goes around 500 participants. Also, we are organizing Cheerful orienteering for kinder garden kids who gathers more than 700 kids.

We are coordinating since 1994 World Challenge Day and the World Walking Day and participating in the Take back your streets… Take back your future! project, we have been actively and successfully participating in the NOWWEMOVE project through MOVE Week, NO ELEVATORS DAY, EUROPEAN SCHOOL SPORT DAY and other activities in cooperation with ISCA since 2012. Saying in numbers, during these events more than 200.000 participants have been physically active in different ways.

Learn more about ASFAS:

German Gymnastics Federation - Deutscher Turner-Bund (DTB)

The Deutscher Turner-Bund (DTB), in English the German Gymnastics Federation, is the second biggest German sport federation (after football) with more than 5 million members organized in more than 19.000 clubs. 70% of the members are girls and women, 1.5 million members are under 18 years old and 1 million members are older than 60 years.

The success of the DTB is mainly based on the voluntary work of the members that has developed into the creation of a successful sport club culture in Germany. The DTB represents three national and international Olympic sports (Artistic Gymnastics, Rhythmic Gymnastics and Trampoline), four other individual sports and six team sports, all aimed at the increase of physical activation of citizens. This makes the DTB to be the biggest “Sport for All” (SfA) organization in Germany with a wide range of offers for all age groups and fitness conditions. Since the DTB foundation over 200 years ago, a main focus is putted on the field “health and fitness” and “Sport for All”, represented in its logo/slogan of the 4Fs (Frisch, Fromm, Fröhlich, Frei – Fresh, Devoted, Happy and Free).

The general concept of health enhancing physical activity (HEPA) as an objective and segment of the Sport for All concept has also a long tradition in the DTB. Health enhancing physical activities are the biggest part of DTB offers and about 80% of the members are engaged in this field. From specific programs, projects and campaigns on local, national and international level, the DTB is an exemplary model on how a sport federation should promote sports and physical activity.

Learn more about DTB:

City Association for Sports Recreation “Sport for All” Osijek (CASR)

City Association for Sports Recreation “Sport for All” Osijek (CASR) founded in 1952 is operating as public benefit organization which promotes physical activity and the message of healthy lifestyle. Their interest is to build international partnerships with respective organisations with the same aims.

CASR is member of the Croatian Leisure Sport Association “Sport for All”. As a city association they have 25 member organisations supporting the efforts to make people active and healthy.

The CASR has its central office in Osijek with 2 permanent employees and has a professional contact with several sport professionals, who are working for the association on a subcontract base. Also, a large number of volunteers are involved in the work of the Alliance (over 100 in 2019.)
CASR is very active in field of leisure sports, organizes Sport for All initiatives like Challenge Day, World Walking Day, European Mobility Week, World Health Day and European Week of Sport in Osijek, etc.

More about our activities:

MAKKA Leisure Sport Association

MAKKA is a local senior sport club. The Association has been organising senior sport events since 2012 in XVIIth district of Budapest, in Rákosmente and south-Pest. The club became a known and popular place for physical activity. MAKKA provides regular programmes for the age group of 50+. The fitness level of the participants is regularly measured, MAKKA has data about the progress of body consumption and fitness level of its members for several years in the past.

MAKKA’s goal is to reach every-day physical education and activity among the elderly people with a preventive purpose, preventing illnesses, ensuring the ability for independent self-care. The municipality appreciates MAKKA’s activities and awarded with the highest professional recognition in the field of sport in 2016.
The members of the association are between 50-80 year-old. Their fitness level differs a lot, that’s why it is the strengths of the club to provide various types of physical activities from beginner level to advanced.

Learn more about MAKKA: